How Long to Walk 3 Miles (By Age & Gender) | (2024)

If you’re wondering how long it takes to walk 3 miles, the answer is that it depends on various factors such as your pace, fitness level, and terrain.

On average, a person can walk 3 miles in about 50 minutes to an hour. However, this time can vary widely depending on the individual. Factors that can affect your walking time include your age, weight, and overall health. If you’re in good physical shape, you may be able to complete a 3-mile walk in less time than someone who is overweight or has health issues.

Additionally, the terrain you’re walking on can make a big difference in how long it takes to cover 3 miles. Walking on flat ground is generally easier and faster than walking uphill or on rough terrain.

Table of Contents

Average Time to Walk 3 Mile Males

AgeAverage Time to Walk 3 Mile
15 -2000:52:12

Average Time to Walk 3 Mile Females

AgeAverage Time to Walk 3 Mile
15 -2000:53:09

Understanding the Basics

Walking is a simple and effective form of exercise that can help improve your overall fitness and health. If you’re looking to walk 3 miles, it’s important to understand the basics of walking as an exercise and how it can benefit your body.

Walking is a low-impact exercise that can help improve your cardiovascular health, strengthen your muscles, and even boost your mood. It’s a great way to get moving and burn calories without putting too much stress on your joints.

To walk 3 miles, you’ll need to have a basic understanding of how to walk efficiently and safely. This includes maintaining good posture, using proper form, and wearing comfortable shoes that provide adequate support.

When you’re walking, it’s important to pay attention to your body and listen to any signals it may be sending you. If you experience pain or discomfort while walking, it’s a sign that you may need to adjust your form or take a break.

Overall, walking 3 miles can be a great way to get in some physical activity and improve your overall health and fitness. By understanding the basics of walking as an exercise and taking care of your body while you walk, you can enjoy all the benefits that walking has to offer.

Factors Influencing Walking Time

Walking 3 miles can take anywhere from 45 minutes to over an hour, depending on several factors. The following are some of the key factors that can influence your walking time:


Age can play a role in how long it takes to walk 3 miles. As you get older, you may not be able to walk as quickly as you used to. This is because your muscles may not be as strong, and your joints may not be as flexible. However, regular exercise can help you maintain your strength and flexibility as you age.

Fitness Level

Your fitness level is another important factor that can influence your walking time. If you are in good shape, you may be able to walk 3 miles faster than someone who is not as fit. Regular exercise can help improve your cardiovascular health, which can make it easier for you to walk longer distances.


Your weight can also affect how long it takes to walk 3 miles. If you are carrying extra weight, it may be more difficult to walk quickly and efficiently. Losing weight through diet and exercise can help improve your walking time.


Gender can also play a role in how long it takes to walk 3 miles. On average, men tend to be faster walkers than women. However, this is not always the case, and individual differences can vary.


Your height can also influence your walking time. Taller people may be able to take longer strides, which can help them cover more distance with each step. However, shorter people may be able to walk more quickly due to their lower center of gravity.

Walking Speed and Pace

Your walking speed and pace are two of the most important factors that can influence your walking time. If you walk quickly and maintain a steady pace, you may be able to cover 3 miles in less time than someone who walks slowly or takes frequent breaks.


The terrain you are walking on can also affect your walking time. Walking on flat, even surfaces is generally easier than walking on hills or uneven terrain. If you are walking on a challenging route, it may take you longer to cover 3 miles.


Weather conditions can also play a role in how long it takes to walk 3 miles. Walking in hot, humid conditions can be more challenging than walking in cooler weather. Similarly, walking in rain or snow can slow you down and make it more difficult to maintain your pace.

Walking Style

Your walking style can also affect your walking time. If you have a smooth, efficient walking style, you may be able to cover 3 miles more quickly than someone who has a less efficient gait. Proper footwear and good posture can also help improve your walking style and speed.

Calculating Walking Time

When it comes to walking, it’s important to know how long it will take you to cover a certain distance. If you’re planning to walk 3 miles, you’ll want to know how long it will take you to complete the distance. You can calculate your walking time using your pace, which is the number of minutes it takes you to walk one mile.

To calculate your walking time for 3 miles, you’ll need to know your pace. You can calculate your pace by dividing the number of minutes it takes you to walk one mile by the number of miles you plan to walk. For example, if it takes you 20 minutes to walk one mile, your pace is 20 minutes per mile. To walk 3 miles at this pace, it would take you 60 minutes or one hour.

If you don’t know your pace, you can use a pace calculator to determine it. These calculators take into account your age, sex, weight, and fitness level to estimate your pace. Once you know your pace, you can use it to calculate your walking time for any distance.

It’s important to remember that your walking time may vary depending on the terrain, weather conditions, and your overall fitness level. If you’re walking uphill or on uneven terrain, it may take you longer to cover the distance. Similarly, if you’re walking in extreme heat or cold, you may need to take breaks more frequently.

In general, a moderate walking pace is around 3 miles per hour, or 20 minutes per mile. This pace allows you to cover the distance without overexerting yourself. However, if you’re looking to increase your fitness level, you may want to aim for a faster pace or longer distance.

Overall, calculating your walking time for 3 miles is a simple process that can help you plan your walking routine and achieve your fitness goals. By knowing your pace and taking into account external factors, you can ensure that you complete your walk safely and comfortably.

Benefits of Walking 3 Miles

Walking 3 miles can provide numerous benefits for your health and well-being. Here are some of the benefits you can expect to experience:

Weight Loss

Walking 3 miles can help you lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. Walking is a low-impact exercise that can burn calories and increase your metabolism. By walking 3 miles, you can burn approximately 300-400 calories, depending on your weight and speed.

Endurance and Cardiovascular Health

Walking 3 miles can improve your endurance and cardiovascular health. Walking is a moderate-intensity exercise that can increase your heart rate and improve blood circulation. By walking regularly, you can improve your cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other chronic conditions.

Muscle Strength

Walking 3 miles can also help you build muscle strength. Walking is a weight-bearing exercise that can strengthen your leg muscles, hips, and core. By walking regularly, you can improve your balance, stability, and overall strength.

Health Benefits

Walking 3 miles can provide numerous health benefits. Walking can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and osteoporosis. Walking can also improve your immune system, reduce inflammation, and improve your mental health.

Mental Health

Walking 3 miles can also improve your mental health. Walking is a low-impact exercise that can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Walking can also improve your mood, boost your energy levels, and help you sleep better.

By walking 3 miles regularly, you can experience these benefits and improve your overall health and well-being.

Walking 3 Miles: A Detailed Breakdown

If you’re looking to walk 3 miles, you’re in good company. Walking is a popular form of exercise that can be done almost anywhere, and it’s a great way to improve your health and fitness. In this section, we’ll break down what you can expect when walking 3 miles, including how long it might take and what health benefits you can expect.

How Long Does It Take to Walk 3 Miles?

The time it takes to walk 3 miles will depend on a number of factors, including your walking speed and the terrain you’re walking on. On average, it takes about 45 minutes to walk 3 miles at a moderate pace. If you’re walking on flat terrain, you might be able to walk a bit faster than if you’re walking on hilly terrain. It’s also worth noting that if you’re just starting out with walking, you might need to start with shorter distances and build up to walking 3 miles.

Health Benefits of Walking 3 Miles

Walking 3 miles is a great way to improve your health and fitness. Here are just a few of the benefits you can expect:

  • Improved cardiovascular health: Walking is a great way to improve your heart health and reduce your risk of heart disease.
  • Increased calorie burn: Walking 3 miles can burn around 300-400 calories, depending on your weight and walking speed.
  • Reduced stress: Walking is a great way to reduce stress and improve your mood.
  • Improved joint health: Walking is a low-impact exercise that can help improve joint health and reduce your risk of injury.

Walking 3 Miles vs. 10,000 Steps

Walking 3 miles is roughly equivalent to taking 6,000-7,000 steps, depending on your stride length. The commonly cited goal of taking 10,000 steps per day is roughly equivalent to walking 5 miles. While walking 3 miles is a great goal to aim for, it’s worth noting that any amount of walking can have health benefits. So even if you can’t walk 3 miles in one go, try to incorporate more walking into your day wherever possible.

Impact of Terrain and Climate

When it comes to walking 3 miles, the terrain and climate can have a significant impact on your overall experience. Here are some things to keep in mind:


Walking on different types of terrain can affect the amount of time it takes to walk 3 miles. Here are some examples:

  • Uphill: Walking uphill can be challenging and slow you down. It requires more effort and can cause fatigue more quickly.
  • Incline: Walking on an incline can also be challenging, but it’s not as steep as walking uphill. It still requires more effort than walking on flat ground.
  • Hills: Walking up and down hills can be a combination of uphill and incline terrain. It can be challenging, but the downhill portions can provide a break and allow you to pick up the pace.
  • Stairs: Walking up and down stairs can be a great workout, but it can be slow going. It requires a lot of effort and can cause fatigue more quickly.


The climate can also have an impact on how long it takes to walk 3 miles. Here are some examples:

  • Hot weather: Walking in hot weather can be challenging and cause you to tire more quickly. It’s important to stay hydrated and take breaks if needed.
  • Cold weather: Walking in cold weather can also be challenging, especially if it’s windy. Dressing in layers can help you stay warm and comfortable.
  • Rainy weather: Walking in the rain can be unpleasant, but it can also be refreshing. Make sure to wear appropriate rain gear and be cautious of slippery surfaces.

Overall, it’s important to be aware of the terrain and climate when planning a 3-mile walk. Adjust your pace and take breaks as needed to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Use of Walking Aids

If you’re planning to walk 3 miles, you may be wondering if using walking aids such as a treadmill, pedometer, tracker, or heart rate monitor can help you achieve your goal. Here’s what you need to know about using these tools.


A treadmill is a great option if you want to walk 3 miles indoors. It allows you to control the speed and incline of your walk, which can help you gradually increase your endurance. Plus, many treadmills come with built-in tracking features that allow you to monitor your progress.


A pedometer is a simple device that tracks the number of steps you take. While it may not be as accurate as other tracking tools, it can still be a helpful way to monitor your activity level. Aim to take at least 6,000-10,000 steps per day to improve your overall health.


A tracker is a more advanced version of a pedometer that can track not only your steps, but also your distance, calories burned, and heart rate. This can give you a more comprehensive view of your activity level and help you set more specific goals.

Heart Rate Monitor

A heart rate monitor can be a useful tool if you’re looking to improve your cardiovascular health. By monitoring your heart rate during exercise, you can make sure you’re working at the right intensity to achieve your goals. However, it’s important to use a heart rate monitor correctly and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.

Overall, using walking aids can be a helpful way to track your progress and achieve your goals. Just remember to use them safely and correctly to get the most benefit.

Improving Your Walking Routine

Walking is a great way to stay active and healthy, but if you want to get the most out of your walking routine, you need to make sure you’re doing it right. Here are a few tips to help you improve your walking routine:

Focus on Your Form

Good form is essential for efficient and effective walking. Make sure you’re standing up straight, with your head up and your shoulders relaxed. Swing your arms naturally, and take comfortable strides. Avoid overstriding or slouching, as these can put unnecessary strain on your body.

Set Realistic Goals

If you’re just starting out, don’t try to walk three miles right away. Start with a shorter distance, and gradually increase your distance and pace as you get more comfortable. Setting realistic goals will help you stay motivated and avoid burnout.

Track Your Progress

Tracking your progress can help you stay motivated and see how far you’ve come. Use a fitness tracker or app to keep track of your steps, distance, and pace. Celebrate your milestones and use them as motivation to keep going.

Customize Your Routine

Everyone is different, so it’s important to customize your walking routine to your individual needs and preferences. If you prefer to walk in the morning, make sure you schedule your walks for that time. If you like to listen to music or podcasts while you walk, make sure you have your headphones with you.

Be Consistent

Consistency is key when it comes to improving your walking routine. Try to walk at least three times a week, and make it a habit. If you miss a day, don’t beat yourself up – just get back on track the next day.

Manage Your Time

If you’re struggling to find time for walking, try breaking it up into shorter sessions throughout the day. You could walk for 10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes at lunch, and 10 minutes in the evening. This can be just as effective as one longer session.

By focusing on your form, setting realistic goals, tracking your progress, customizing your routine, being consistent, and managing your time, you can improve your walking routine and get the most out of your exercise.

Walking as Part of a Healthy Lifestyle

Walking is a great way to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine and improve your overall health. It is a low-impact exercise that can be done by people of all ages and fitness levels. Walking for just 30 minutes a day can provide numerous health benefits, including improving cardiovascular fitness, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, and decreasing stress and anxiety.

Incorporating walking into your daily routine can also increase your energy levels and help you feel more alert and focused throughout the day. Walking can also be a great way to unwind and clear your mind after a long day, making it an effective stress-reliever.

In addition to the physical benefits, walking can also be an enjoyable journey. Whether it’s exploring new neighborhoods, hiking trails, or simply taking a stroll through the park, walking can be a great way to experience the outdoors and appreciate the beauty of nature.

One of the best things about walking is that it can be done anywhere, anytime. Whether you’re standing in line at the grocery store or sitting at your desk at work, incorporating short walks throughout the day can help you stay active and improve your overall health.

In conclusion, walking is an easy and effective way to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine. It provides numerous health benefits, including improving cardiovascular fitness, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, and decreasing stress and anxiety. So, put on your walking shoes and start walking towards a healthier you!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to walk 3 miles on a treadmill?

Walking 3 miles on a treadmill can take approximately 45-60 minutes, depending on your walking speed and fitness level. If you are a beginner, you may take longer to complete the distance.

How long does it take to walk 3.5 miles?

Walking 3.5 miles can take approximately 50-70 minutes, depending on your walking speed and fitness level. Again, if you are a beginner, you may take longer to complete the distance.

Can you walk 3 miles in 1 hour?

Yes, it is possible to walk 3 miles in 1 hour, but it depends on your walking speed. If you walk at a brisk pace of 3 miles per hour, you can complete the distance in 1 hour.

How many steps is a 3 mile walk?

The number of steps in a 3 mile walk depends on your stride length. On average, a person takes around 2,000 to 2,500 steps to cover 1 mile. So, a 3 mile walk can take approximately 6,000 to 7,500 steps.

Will I lose weight if I walk 3 miles a day?

Walking 3 miles a day can help you burn calories and lose weight, but it depends on your diet and overall activity level. Walking alone may not be enough to lose weight, but it can be a great addition to a healthy lifestyle.

How long does it take to go 3 miles?

The time it takes to go 3 miles depends on the mode of transportation. If you are walking, it can take approximately 45-60 minutes. If you are driving, it can take approximately 5-10 minutes. If you are cycling, it can take approximately 15-20 minutes.

How Long to Walk 3 Miles (By Age & Gender) | (2024)


What's a good 3-mile walk time? ›

The average person walks at about 15–20 minutes per mile. So a healthy person should be able to walk 3 miles in under an hour.

How long should it take a 70 year old to walk a mile? ›

Mile: Average Walking Times by Age and Gender
10 more rows
Mar 9, 2023

What is a good walking pace by age? ›

Average walking speed by age
AgeKilometers per hour (km/h)Miles per hour (mph)
<304.82 km/h3 mph
30–394.54 km/h2.8 mph
40–494.54 km/h2.8 mph
50–594.43 km/h2.75 mph
2 more rows
Nov 16, 2022

What is a good walking pace for a 60 year old woman? ›

Average walking speed by age
40 to 491.39 to 1.433.11 to 3.2
50 to 591.31 to 1.432.93 to 3.2
60 to 691.24 to 1.342.77 to 3.0
70 to 791.13 to 1.262.53 to 2.82
3 more rows
Mar 14, 2019

What happens to your body if you walk 3 miles every day? ›

When you walk briskly for 3 miles a day, you engage in aerobic exercise, which is excellent for your cardiovascular fitness. This type of exercise strengthens your heart and lungs, improving your overall endurance. One of the reasons walking is highly recommended for weight management is its ability to burn calories.

What is a good time for 3 miles for a woman? ›

Female 3 Mile Running Times

A good 3 mile time for a woman is 25:10. This is the average 3 mile time across women of all ages. The fastest 3 mile time ran by a woman is 14:14.

Is walking 3 miles a day good for seniors? ›

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), healthy seniors should walk 7,000 – 10,000 steps per day. That's an average of three to three and a half miles throughout the course of a day.

What is considered brisk walking for seniors? ›

Steps per minute.

Research suggests that taking about 100 steps per minute — the equivalent of about 2.7 miles per hour — is enough to get brisk walking health and fitness benefits.

How far should a 65 year old walk every day? ›

Older adults who walk three to four miles a day — 6,000 to 9,000 steps — were found to be 40 to 50 percent less likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke than those who walk a mile (2,000 steps) a day, according to research published in the journal Circulation.

Is it better to walk faster or longer? ›

Walking at a brisk pace for a longer duration of time is also effective for weight loss. In fact, a longer walk can be as beneficial as a shorter duration, slightly higher intensity walk, Sanders says, and may lower your risk of injury. Longer duration walks can also help increase your endurance.

How much should a 75 year old walk? ›

7,000-10,000 steps per day for adults aged 18-59 years. 6,000-8,000 steps per day for adults aged 60+ years. 7,500 steps per day for women aged 62-101 years.

What is a good distance to walk in 30 minutes? ›

If you walk briskly for 30 minutes, you should be covering 1.5-2 miles. Walking comes under the moderate-intensity exercise category, so you should aim to walk anywhere between 30-90 minutes. Make sure that the total duration of walking is not less than 150 minutes a week to derive maximum benefits.

How fast should a 72 year old woman walk a mile? ›

The average speed is 2.6 mph for 70s folks who don't need a cane or walker, but three mph is the pace needed to match the average adult walking speed and to cross the street with time to spare at a traffic light (3). The faster your usual walking pace, the less likely you are to fall and get injured.

How far should a 70 year old walk in 6 minutes? ›

The 6MWD was 30 m greater in males than in females (585±96 m versus 555±81 m; p<0.001). The older subjects walked shorter distances than the younger subjects (40–49 yrs of age, 611±85 m; 50–59 yrs of age, 588±91 m, 60–69 yrs of age, 559±80 m; 70–80 yrs of age, 514±71 m; p<0.001).

Is walking 2 miles per hour good? ›

Slow walking as a form of meditation and centering differs from walking for exercise; it's not a cardio exercise meant to raise your heart rate. However, there are indeed physical benefits. Surprisingly, walking slowly 2 miles per hour burns more calories than fast walking 3 to 4 miles per hour.

How long would 3 miles take to walk? ›

While there are a couple of variables that can alter the duration of a 3-mile walk on the treadmill, it will take about 45 to 55 minutes to complete that distance at a moderate pace.

Is 3 miles per hour a brisk walk? ›

Pace vs Speed

Average walking paces are: Easy walk: 20:00 minutes per mile (3 mph) or 12:25 minutes per kilometer or slower. Moderate to brisk walk: 15:00 to 20:00 minutes per mile or 9:19 to 12:25 minutes per kilometer. Fast walk: 15:00 minutes per mile or 9:19 minutes per kilometer or faster.

Is walking 3 miles better than running 1 mile? ›

Calorie Burn: Walking three miles will typically burn more calories than running just one mile. However, the post-exercise calorie burn (often referred to as 'afterburn') can be higher after intensive activities like running.

Is a 3 mile walk enough to lose weight? ›

It's generally considered safe to cut and/or burn 500 to 1,000 calories a day to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week, according to the Mayo Clinic. If your 3-miles-a-day walking plan helps make this a sustainable rate for you, you could lose 10 pounds in 5 to 10 weeks or 30 pounds in 4 to 7 months, for example.

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